Military tourism (military tourism, military tourism, weaponry tourism) is a type of tourism, the purpose of which is to visit the area associated with military and military actions.
The idea of military tourism is to gather as much information as possible about different periods of history. In Ukraine, military tourism includes castles and related military actions, as well as fortifications, places of famous battles, DZOTs, DOTs, trenches, remains of equipment, bunkers, large defensive lines of World Wars I and II, weapons museums, tanks and military equipment, burial places of fallen soldiers.
Military tourism — this is tourism at the sites of battles and historical battles for all interested parties, as well as for veterans and relatives of fallen soldiers, visiting existing and historical military facilities and training grounds, warships, submarines, riding on military equipment, shooting weapons at training grounds and in shooting ranges, participation in military exercises and maneuvers, staying on training grounds as spectators - a military tour, such tours can also include visits to military concentration camps and prisons. Military tourism is divided into the following subspecies:
- visiting historical places and museums — military-historical tourism;
shooting with various types of weapons, streetball or paytball, visiting gun and knife shops - gunsmith tourism; - life in army conditions and participation in military training programs, scouting, visiting various facilities and training grounds, riding on military equipment, flying on military planes and helicopters - military tourism;
- visiting the "hot" spots of the planet and places of hostilities - military tourism.
Military tourism is developing most dynamically in countries such as the USA, Russia, Israel, France, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Germany.
In connection with Russian aggression, military tourism in Ukraine is actively developing in Kyiv and the Kyiv region and in general throughout the territory of Ukraine.
Military tourism is one of the promising areas of post-war tourism in Ukraine.
What will military tourism be after the victory in the war with Russia?
After the victory in the war, there will be new opportunities for the development of military tourism in Ukraine. Usually, after the end of hostilities, the share of tourists begins to increase. Routes related to the consequences of the war will be relevant - the places of battles, the consequences of missile strikes, the places of accumulation of destroyed Russian equipment and missiles. Such places are of great interest to tourists and allow them to see everything in person.